Design Your Pollinator and Wildlife Oasis – beta

A 3-week, intensive, small group consultation and community that will guide you through designing your own customized pollinator and wildlife oasis that balances your family’s desires, your property’s unique characteristics, and the needs of the pollinators and wildlife you want to attract.

Beta Registration

Thank you for your interest in joining the beta run of our Design Your Pollinator and Wildlife Oasis program! The beta program has closed and we are no longer taking registrations for it.

However, we hope to offer the program again in the future, as well as similar programs on other topics such as invasive species management. If you would like to be among the first to learn about these programs as they open up, please join our wait list.

Who Are We?

We are Shannon and Anthony Trimboli. We host the Backyard Ecology blog, podcast, and YouTube channel as well as operate a native plant nursery and habitat consulting business for pollinators and wildlife. We have degrees in wildlife biology, ecology, and agriculture.

We love sharing our love of nature with others and helping them get inspired to form their own connections with nature. We hope to see you in the program and are looking forward to helping this beta group create their own personalized pollinator and wildlife oasis.

Be among the first to find out about future opportunities!

Join our wait list to learn when we offer this, or other programs, in the future. Don’t miss out!