What to expect:
Our online workshops are bite-sized, highly interactive programs designed to help you take action. These aren’t webinars where you just sit there and listen to someone talk.
When are the workshops offered?
Each workshop is offered once or twice a year.
Don’t miss out!
Sign up on the waitlist to find out when the workshop opens for super early bird registration.


Native Plants 101: Select the Right Native Plants for Your Eastern U.S. Garden
Confidently choose native plants that will work in your yard, look good, AND attract pollinators and wildlife.
Next offering:
Spring 2025

Native Plants 201: Go Beyond “Just Gardening” with Native Plants
Take your plantings to the next level and nurture a thriving ecosystem on your property.
Next offering:
Fall 2025
You taught me many things that I didn’t realize I needed to know. There’s a lot of information out there, but you don’t always know what you are missing.
~ Allison M.
This was really helpful, thank you. I realize I’ve been overthinking this and making it harder than it needs to be.
~ Darrell W.
Backyard Ecology™’s Guiding Principles:
🦋 Curiosity: Nature is fun, interesting, and worth exploring. We will never know everything. Answers lead to more questions. That’s half the fun.
🦋 Balanced: You don’t have to choose. You can support nature AND have a beautiful property that you can enjoy and be proud of.
🦋 Science informed: Habitat creation and management should be based on the latest scientific research available. This is true regardless of whether you’re working in a small garden or on hundreds of acres.
🦋 Stewardship: Anyone can make a positive difference in the natural world and leave an ecological legacy on their property.